systemd is a new system and service manager for Linux system, which was implemented/adapted into all the major Linux distributions over the traditional SysV init systems due to lots of issue/improvement has to be on SysVinit systems.
All the service files are available on /etc/init.d/
directory for SysVinit system.
For systemd system, the service files are available on /usr/lib/systemd/system/
If you would like to perform any kind of actions like start, stop, restart, enable, reload & status against the specific service then use the following commands.
Make sure that you should have admin privileges to run these commands except status command. It should be root
or sudo
permission needed to run the below commands.
What Is Pure-FTPd?
Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standard-conformant FTP server, based upon Troll-FTPd.
The server has been designed to be secure in default configuration, easy to set up and it is especially designed for modern kernels. It was successfully ported to Linux and Unix.
It’s offering many features include chroot(), virtual chroot(), home directories, virtual domains,passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, sso authentication, real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, TLS and more.
1) How To Start The Pure-FTPd Service In Linux?
Use the below commands to start the Pure-FTPd server in Linux.
For SysVinit
# service pure-ftpd start or # /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start
For systemd
# systemctl start pure-ftpd or # systemctl start pure-ftpd.service
2) How To Stop The Pure-FTPd Service In Linux?
Use the below commands to stop the Pure-FTPd server in Linux.
For SysVinit
# service pure-ftpd stop or # /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop
For systemd
# systemctl stop pure-ftpd or # systemctl stop pure-ftpd.service
3) How To Restart The Pure-FTPd Service In Linux?
Use the below commands to restart the Pure-FTPd server in Linux.
For SysVinit
# service pure-ftpd restart or # /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd restart
For systemd
# systemctl restart pure-ftpd or # systemctl restart pure-ftpd.service
4) How To Reload The Pure-FTPd Service In Linux?
Use the below commands to reload the Pure-FTPd server in Linux.
For SysVinit
# service pure-ftpd reload or # /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd reload
For systemd
# systemctl reload pure-ftpd or # systemctl reload pure-ftpd.service
5) How To View The Pure-FTPd Service Status In Linux?
Use the below commands to view the Pure-FTPd server status in Linux.
For SysVinit
# service pure-ftpd status or # /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd status
For systemd
# systemctl status pure-ftpd or # systemctl status pure-ftpd.service
6) How To Enable The Pure-FTPd Service On Boot In Linux?
Use the below commands to enable the Pure-FTPd server on boot in Linux.
For SysVinit
# chkconfig pure-ftpd on
For systemd
# systemctl enable pure-ftpd or # systemctl enable pure-ftpd.service
For All service commands View More
how do you solve this?
pi@Pi02:~ $ systemctl status pure-ftpd.service
● pure-ftpd.service – (null)
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2016-05-30 11:52:36 EEST; 19s ago
Process: 1016 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start (code=exited, status=255)
For Kloxo, you need to enable the ftp server because by default it was disabled.
Go to /etc/xinetd.d/pureftp
disable = yes to No
# service xinetd restart
# service iptables restart
# service firewall restart (add your firewall name, like csf or apf)
Make sure the port number should be enabled in firewall or iptable
none of the command above worked for me, I am using kloxo-MR ,
another problem, I have also changed pure-ftp default port to 2121 , but 21 is the only port working.
.any Idea ??